FOAB Information

Friday 23 February 2024

Today Is...Siege Of The Alamo

I have never really understood why Texans go on about the Alamo, all 200 plus Texans got slaughtered in that scrap by ticked off Mexicans so hardly a highlight in Texan history but the Alamo is being mentioned again by supporters of Texans wanting out of the USA.
There has been mention of Texan independence for decades, all remembering the Alamo probably and the movement has also got an international ally in the shape of that hotbed of Democracy, Belarus, who have accused the US Government of a humans right violation for not waving goodbye to Texas.
It's unlikely that Texas will leave the Union, they only had 200 people turn up at the last rally and we get a bigger turn out in the UK to watch people roll cheese down a hill, and besides, constantly asking people to remember a fight which they comprehensively lost isn't encouraging.
Davy Crockett is usually someone who gets a shout out whenever the Alamo is mentioned and the ballad of Davy Crokett which is apparently a true story although he wasn't actually born on a mountain top, it was a valley actually so the complete opposite to a mountain and he may have killed many bears, he just wasn't three years old at the time, but he did single handedly fight the injun war though, just him and a few hundred close friends but the rest of the tales about frontier manliness, strength and machismo are all true and he should know because he wrote it.
His glorious death came at the Alamo, that heroic last stand when a bunch of white settlers in Mexico-owned Texas wanted a taste of sweet, sweet democracy so they rebelled against Mexico.
Famous heroic figures like Crockett and his pal Jim Bowie led an army of rebels who were forced to make their last stand inside a crumbling old building called the Alamo, finally going down in a hail of gunfire and freedom tears atop a pile of dead Mexicans.
The General did tell Crockett it wasn't worth fighting over and ordered him to retreat but he refused and the General went 'Sure, whatever' and left them to it and his dying words were 'Remember the Alamo' which everybody did which is crap because they got their asses whupped that day but he's also known for making coonskin hats fashionable and those bad boys never go out of fashion.

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