FOAB Information

Monday 5 February 2024

Today Is...The Creation Of Synthetic Plastic

You are what you eat and what we are eating is plastic according to a trial at the Medical University of Vienna who found tiny shreds of it in the digestive systems of people from eight different countries including the UK.
Plastics pervade all aspects of society. We sleep on plastic-filled pillows, clean our teeth with plastic toothbrushes, type on plastic keyboards, drink and eat food from plastic containers so it’s impossible to go through a day without encountering plastic of some kind but as we are becoming increasingly aware, our widespread adoption of plastics has not been without consequences to our health and the environment.
Plastic pollutes our landscapes, oceans, air and bodies and it was Belgian Chemist, Leo Baekeland, we have to thank as he pioneered the first fully synthetic plastic today in 1907.
He beat his rival, James Swinburne, to the patent office by one day. His invention, which he called Bakelite, combined two chemicals, formaldehyde and phenol, under heat and pressure and it sparked a consumer boom in affordable products but the chemical properties also made it difficult to dispose of, with some types taking tens of thousands of years to degrade in landfill or worse, where it seeps into our food table.
Theories given for why plastic is being ingested by humans include from plastic eating fish, drinking out of plastic bottles, eating food that’s been wrapped in plastic and tiny plastic particles floating in the air which then land on our food.
The scientists couldn't tell if ingesting plastic is causing any internal damage to our bodies but there is evidence that plastic is absorbed through the stomach and accumulates in the internal organs of animals so probably yep is the answer to that question.
If the knowledge that our food is literally killing us isn't the wake up call that we need to cut out plastic and stop littering the planet with the stuff then we are even more dense then we already think we are.


  1. Jesus, you really cut down on the strong coffee!!!

  2. Probably do, not known for an in depth understanding of issues on your ideological side of the fence where the brain cells are, to put it politely, rather thinly spread around.
