FOAB Information

Monday 18 March 2024

Congratulations Mr Putin

I was amongst the very first to congratulate Russian President Vladimir Putin for his 2024 election victory, i posted my best wishes to him for winning after he won the last one in 2018 because it was always obvious the man who once wore a badge with 'The Worlds Most Powerful Person' on it would retake the
Kremlin if he wanted it.
To make sure he has spent the last few years making sure that he had no credible opponent what with them either being dead, in jail or in exile but just for appearances they had to make it look as if there was some semblance of a contest so Putin was joined on the ballot paper by
Nikolai Kharitonov (Communist Party), Leonid Slutsky (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia) and Vladislav Davankov (New People) but neither was much of a threat as during the live televised debates which Putin couldn't be arsed to attend, all three took the line that Putin was an all round decent fellow doing marvelous things in Russia lest they end up in whatever shallow grave the only credible threat to Putin, Alexei Navalny, now finds himself.
With Putin changing the rules so he can stay in office longer than the allowed two terms, barring an assassination or Zelenskyy landing a direct hit with a cruise missile, he could run for another six-year term in 2030.
Independent election monitors have already declared the election a sham but i expect the UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, who was handpicked by his own party and rose to take power without an election, will be keeping his head down on this one then because even a sham election is more of an election than we got for him.

Disclaimer: This post was written the day before the actual Russian elections and postdated so if we wake up today and anyone else than Putin is declared the Russian President then after i have been painted pink and called myself Lionel, i apologise.

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