FOAB Information

Sunday 24 March 2024

COVID Lockdown: 4 Years On

It was four years ago today in 2020 that Boris Johnson announced the UK's first COVID lock-down and ordered people to 'stay at home' which we did but as we later found out, it was party time in Downing Street which became the most fined address in the land, racking up over 100 fixed penalties for breaking the lock-down laws they had themselves imposed on the rest of us.
I was fortunate to be designated a key worker which meant that Journalists were put in the same frame as NHS Workers in the front line which didn't seem right, but it did mean that i could enjoy driving on deserted roads and walking down empty streets so didn't suffer as much as the tens of millions locked up in their homes although it did mean i had to show my credentials several times to some very indignant police officers who wanted to know why i was out and about.
I did see some very haunting images of people dying alone in hospitals and buried with only a handful of close relatives, some of awful the 233,791 COVID Deaths in the UK and 6 million globally which made the impact of Boris Johnson's lying about the Downing Street even more galling.
It is hard to pick a highlight, but it would have to be the public NHS applause on Thursday evenings, the outpouring of gratitude for the people actually putting their own lives on the line to look after others was truly an emotional lump in the throat moment, especially as we later found out that their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was sorely lacking and acquiring it became an opportunity for friends and families of the politicians to substantially swell their bank accounts.
Infectious Disease experts are saying that it is inevitable that a virus will once again make the jump from animals to humans and cause another pandemic although they cant say if it will be as deadly as the Covid-19 outbreak, the third most lethal outbreak of the last 100 years, but through global warming and deforestation bringing animals and insects closer to people's homes, we are making it increasingly likely it will happen again.
Lessons will need to be learnt and there are plenty of lessons to be learnt, earlier lock-downs and keep them in place until the threat has subsided, the Governments own Medical team called the Governments 'Eat Out To Help Out' scheme the 'Eat Out To Spread the Virus' scheme and advised against it and an inquiry heard Government scientists say that it was 'highly likely' to have increased Covid infections and deaths.
Despite constantly being told the Government were 'following the science', they obviously were not but we were unfortunate that we had probably the worst possible person in Boris Johnson at the helm at the time which should focus the minds of voters of who they pout their cross next to in an election year.
The worst possible outcome is if, or when, another situation occurs and we are told to stay at home for our own safety, after the partying at Downing Street, would the public agree and comply or say why should we because you never last time and it is the lack of trust in Government which could be the first victim next time. 


  1. are you claiming that humans are closer to animals insects now than when we were 90% farmers, ranchers, and foragers; and lived in shoddy rock, grass, mud, or wood huts? really?

    to you want to rethink that?

  2. and you are advocating lock downs - you are an idiot

  3. "following the science" is the leftist way of saying, "this is beyond disputation". only leftists believe that... but then leftists believe that climate change models, and socialism work so there you go...

  4. Well Coronavirus's were not discovered by scientists until the 1930's so who knows what was going on before that, possibly it was rampant amongst the farmers, ranchers and foragers.

    You did not advocate lock-downs? And you call me an idiot???? Those 1.2m deaths you racked up not enough?

    David-esque type mad rant about climate change and socialism? Tick.
