FOAB Information

Sunday 17 March 2024

Democrat's Tough Choice In Election

 I have some very good contacts in the American media, mainly New York and i speak to them several times a week and i always greet them with a bad New York accent of 'That's Jim? Get otta here' and they respond with a Downton Abbey type English accent along the lines of 'I say Miss Lucy, jolly nice to speak to you' before we get into the business of whatever is going on over there.
Apparently my New York accent is about as unconvincing as a Brit doing a New York accent gets but i am far too polite to reply that their attempt at a British accent stinks out my room so much i have to open all the windows afterwards but i do get all the skinny on whats happening, and the news isn't good because they are thinking Biden could be handing the election to Donald Trump, and all the ramifications that brings.
I assumed it was because he is so old his clothes have come around and been back in fashion several times and he struggles to remember his own name sometimes but Trump is only a few years behind him and seems to forget what he is talking about halfway through saying it also, nope the problem is what is happening thousands of miles away in Gaza.
Biden is facing protesters and banners labeling him 'Genocide Joe' and that's from his own Democrat supporters who are vowing not to vote for him and waving signs which say 'Dont Make Me Vote For Trump' and that is getting the anti-Trump crowd worried because it may allow Trump to plonk his fat backside in the Oval Office again.
It is a predicament i understand because i went through the same dilemma with Tony Blair and the Labour Party back in 2005 and 2010 when i couldn't bring myself to vote for a party which lied us into the Iraq war and voted Liberal Democrat knowing full well it could open the door for the evil Conservatives, which it did and have gone on to be as awful as i feared.
Biden has undoubtedly made America complicit in the Gaza Genocide conducted by Israel, supplying the funding, the arms and the green-light to Netanyahu to allow them to slaughter 30,000 Palestinians in a whirlwind of War Crimes so far and although he seems to have cottoned on to just how much damage it has inflicted on itself, the Palestinians and his own supporters, it could be too little too late.
Other Democrat politicians seem to have realised and are calling Israel 'radioactive' and for Netanyahu to step down for his 'callous war directed against civilians in Gaza' and saying support for Israel is at an historic low and it could become a global pariah.
I do feel for the Democrat voters because its a choice of not voting for a man who has not only underwritten a Genocide but gave it cover at the United Nations by vetoing calls for a ceasefire which will allow the worst possible choice to slip into power by the back door or hold their nose and vote for Biden and live with their conscience that they allowed in an awful man who's actions go against everything they stand for.    
Me and many others were not able to hold our noses and vote Labour in 2005 and 2010 which unleashed the Conservatives to bring their own particular brand of right wing disaster to the country but that is the choice Democrats have, and to be honest i would have to do some serious soul searching as to whether allowing in Trump would be more morally painful then supporting a genocide and i'm not sure i could vote for Biden either.


  1. Addressed the first bit with : I assumed it was because he is so old his clothes have come around and been back in fashion several times and he struggles to remember his own name sometimes.

    The rest i never forgot because i never heard them to start with.

  2. Hardly? Hardly what??
