FOAB Information

Saturday 30 March 2024

Measuring Good Or Bad Governments


For many people, the way to judge just how good a Government has been is the basic 'Am i better off' which is a crude, but effective measure of how good, or bad, a Government have been over their time in power but it is a difficult one to measure.
With the ongoing cost of living crisis it would be difficult to find anyone who could honestly say they are better off today which is one of the reasons why Keir Starmer and the Labour Party are measuring up for the Downing Street curtains and we can't use indicators such as Interest Rates, Inflation or GDP because they move around and change from one year to the next.
I could look at things like homelessness, food banks, waiting lists or literacy rates to get an indication of whether things have improved but across the country the most important issues for voters are the Economy, Health, Immigration, Environment, Housing and Crime.     
As the Conservatives completely tanked the economy with Brexit and Liz Truss and lavished austerity on us for the past decade and somehow still managed to make the deficit significantly larger than when they took power than the Economy is not their strongest selling point.
With the NHS sorely underfunded and waiting lists soaring while staff strike for better pay and conditions they probably shouldn't be advertising their successes with Health and they may want to keep off the subject of immigration as 1.2 million migrated to the UK last year, the highest number since records began although they probably don't want you to look at the 52,530 small boat illegal immigrants who landed on our coastline either, especially as Rishi made a pledge to stop them completely a while back.
The Environment could have been a strong card until Rishi took to fighting against low emissions areas, handing out licenses to increase oil and gas exploration in the North Sea, slipped back the date for Net Zero and the date for petrol and diesel cars to be scrapped so once again, not so much green as a dirty oily grey.
Housing could be better, they made a manifesto pledge to build 300,000 new homes annually but have not hit that target once and cutting 20,000 police officers at the start of their reign in power wasn't a smart move as the number of crime offenses in England and Wales in 2010 was 4,150,916 and today stands at 6,739,868 although they will state they have increased police numbers by 20,000 which amazingly is the same number they cut it by previously.
The Worldwide Governance Indicator is a measure of Government effectiveness and is based on 30 think tanks, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations and private firms in each nation and in 2010 the United Kingdom's Government effectiveness was 1.62 and today stands at 1.24 which means that during their 14 years in power, the Conservatives are woefully less effective than when they took over power.
I assume their could be some success they could point at but overall it is obvious why as a Government the Conservative Party are not so much at deaths door as standing in the hallway and commenting on the coat rack.

1 comment:

  1. We did negotiate with the US and turned it down because it would mean lowering our standards such as accepting chlorine washed chicken, GM Crops and hormone fed beef.
