FOAB Information

Sunday 10 March 2024

Nothing Ever Happens

When it comes to looking back at the soundtrack of my life, Del Amitri's song 'Nothing Ever Happens' will be there in the mix because it is a simple, upbeat tempo song which betrays the gloomy piece of social commentary and has one line in the final verse which for me nails the insanity of society with 'Computer terminals report some gains in the values of copper and tin, While American businessmen snap up Van Goghs for the price of a hospital wing'.
That line struck me right in my Socialist little heart back then and when i read about how Del Amitri singer Justin Currie has been struggling with Parkinson's disease it was that line which came flooding back to me.
Apart from a further single 'Alway's The Last To Know', Del Amtiri the band never entered my consciousness again but since it's release that song has kept cropping up which isn't bad for a song which peaked at number 11 in January 1990 but it was with sadness i read how the effects of the disease had meant that he has had to relearn how to sing some parts of the band's hits.
The 59-year-old Scot said he had always imagined he would still be playing at the age of 80 but knows with Parkinson's, things will get worse and ended his interview with a poignant dig at that 'ridiculous cliche' that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger because that's not true and how 'I am not stronger for having Parkinson's, believe you me'.
I do feel that i have to update his lyrics though because the new Hospital Wing constructed at Bradford Royal Infirmary cost £28m while in 2022 Van Gogh's Orchard with Cypresses sold for £137million so in today's world a Van Gogh was snapped up for the cost of almost 5 hospital wings and my reaction today is
the same as it was back then of how, in a rational sane World, can that be right??

1 comment:

  1. I think you are getting Justin Currie of Del Amitri confused with John Lennon of the Beatles.
