FOAB Information

Friday 8 March 2024

Religious Nuts Changing The Definition Of Abortion

 Despite being a hugely personal thing, there seems to be no end of people willing to impart their wisdom on abortion to other people and usually it is the religious folk who feel they have to force their views onto other's and in America the abortion laws took a large step backwards recently but the rosary clutching squad are not resting on their laurels, they have a new target and that is contraception.
One self proclaimed anti-abortion activist, a man obviously, said that they have been laying the groundwork to curtail contraception access for many decades, believing that sex is sacred and should only occur within a heterosexual marriage and in the service of having children.
The activist Pro-Life Action League said that they consider contraception and people using each other for pleasure is disgusting while the Operation Rescue Group called anything that prevents us from having children is anti-child and they do seem to have followers in the Republican Party with some Republican lawmakers recently declared that the 1965 Supreme Court decision establishing a constitutional right to birth control, was wrongly decided and should be reconsidered.  
Some anti-abortionists have even gone as far as to say that fetuses, embryos, and fertilized eggs should have with full rights and legal protections and thus taking a daily birth control pill is a form of killing unborn children, an act of 'abortifacients' or agents that induce abortion which in their minds it must
make sense that birth control can somehow abort a pregnancy before a pregnancy even begins but these are people who won't be troubling any MENSA events anytime soon.
Colorado Senator, Lauren Boebert, tried to block funds for abortifacient contraceptive drugs, while Montana Senator Matt Rosendale tried adding emergency contraception to a bill barring use of the federal funding for abortion and Missouri Republicans have been pushing to restrict public funding for coils and emergency contraception as 'anything that destroys that life is abortion' and in Iowa, Republicans attempted to require pharmacists to give out leaflets with any over the counter contraception that are a form of abortion that 'kills babies'.
All obviously madness but it will be interesting if Donald Trump does win the next election because the anti-abortionists will have a not too bright leader who could easily be swayed to their side of their nonsensical argument and take America even further towards a nation where the religious inmates have taken over the asylum.


  1. Not here, maybe only in Texas

  2. A reply as full of class as expected
