FOAB Information

Sunday 3 March 2024

Spring In The UK

As the Earth travels around the Sun Summer is poked in the back by Autumn which is then booted in the backside by Winter which in turn is nudged out of the way by Spring and that is where we find ourselves now although it isn't particularly Spring-like outside.
The confusion is that Spring either starts at midnight on March 1st or 22:06 on March 19th depending on whether you go by the Meteorological or Astronomical calendar.
For Meteorologists the seasons always fall on the same dates with Winter beginning on Dec. 1, Spring begins on March 1, Summer begins on June 1 and Autumn begins on Sept. 1 and that's the way we were taught it at school and that's how it has always been for me but for others the Astronomical Spring begins when the sun crosses the celestial equator hence which it will do in 2024 on the evening of March 19th.
I asked a meteorologist why they stick with their format and he answered that it ensures consistency in record-keeping of things like temperatures and weather conditions.   
So which one is the right one? According to The Met Office, spring officially begins in the UK on the 1st of March and all the Weather people announce it as such so as we are now 'officially' in Spring, what can we expect?
Along with sudden rain showers, blossoming trees and flowering plants, temperatures will rise in the day (between 12°C and 18°C) but stay cool at night (between 6°C and 12°C) and increased daylight 12 to 16 hours per day between March and May, helped by the clocks going forward on the 31st March so no more of that awful going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark so you miss all the days sunlight.
In Spring we get four bank holidays and one (29 March & 1 April) is a long 4 days weekend and the Weather Singularities (probabilities of certain weather types happening at the same dates each year) shows that from 23-31 March there is a 67% it will be Stormy, 10-19 April will be shower (71%) and 17-31 May there is a 88% chance that it will be dry and warm and the cold, dark and rainy Winter will be a long forgotten memory.

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