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Thursday 14 March 2024

Thinking About Nothing

I knew it was a mistake as soon as i asked it but it was too late and the question was out of my mouth.
So during a mind calming session at work, we were asked to empty our minds and think of nothing so my mind went straight to 'is it even possible to think of nothing?' and that was the question i asked her afterwards when we were having a break.  
'Certainly' she started enthusiastically, 'the key thing to note is that thinking about nothing is not the same as thinking nothing because to think nothing is simply to lack any thoughts at all but to think about nothing is to think something but of course, as nothing is not something, one cannot think about something
and be thinking about nothing. You think the thought that there is nothing but we cannot do so and think something, but nevertheless one can do this and this is to think something'.

I nodded, thanked her and walked away definitely thinking something, i was thinking what the hell was that all about??

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