FOAB Information

Monday 29 April 2024

Avoid This Post If It's Your Birthday Today

How many people do you share a birthday with? If there are roughly 8 billion people on the planet and there are 365 days in the year (forget leap years, my maths is shaky enough as it is without adding that into the sums) and i make it on average 219,178,082 share a birthday and if you one of them who are celebrating another trip around the Sun and are reading this today then many happy returns of the day and how you feeling?
I ask because i have just become aware of something called the birthday effect which is the chances are you’re going to die on your birthday.
The birthday effect is a recognised statistical phenomenon from research in Switzerland, Japan and the United States which discovered that your risk of dying is higher on, or near, your birthday, 13.8% of a greater risk actually.
The US study, using Social Security details, found that women were more likely to die in the week immediately after their birthdays than in any other week of the year while men were more likely to die in the week before.
The theories are that birthdays lead to celebrations, which can lead to increased alcohol consumption, which can lead to increased death by any number of means or that seriously ill people view birthdays as survival milestones and tend to succumb on the days or either side of it or more boringly, death certificates with the date of birth entered where the date of death should go by mistake.
Renaissance painter Raphael died on his 37th birthday, William Shakespeare on his 52nd and Ingrid Bergman on her 67th so if today is your Birthday, don't leave it to the evening to blow out the candles on your cake, you know, just in case.


  1. I assume you would get it wrong anyway, you tend to not be half as bright as you are desperate to make yourself seem.

  2. 'not be half as bright as you are desperate to make yourself seem' - case in point. Funny how you feel the need to continually try and prove how bright you are to me, wonder why that is?

  3. Nope, i say you don't read things properly so don't get a full understanding of matters hence why you get so much wrong and misunderstand world events and have on many times made comments which had misrepresented the post or missed where i have included caveats to my views or on occasion just said i have said things which i haven't. I have never said you were stupid or uneducated, that's your interpretation of it for whatever reason but ill-informed i will go with but that's because of, in my opinion, your eagerness to have an opinion which differs to mine. Read twice and write once is a much used, and for good reason a vital, phrase.

  4. Nicked it from carpenters to apply to Journalists writing up press releases and other peoples words then.
