FOAB Information

Friday 17 May 2024

Genocide? What Genocide Ask Israel

Israel have been in the International Court of Justice today to defend itself against it's ruling that it is committing genocide against the Palestinians and called the ruling 'obscene', explained that it made 'extraordinary efforts to protect civilians' and said what was going on was a 'tragic conflict but no genocide'.
Obviously the country committing the genocide is always going to say they are not but if Israel say they are not then we really should take them at their word.
Of course that would mean dismissing the United Nations definitions of exactly what Genocide is called the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2 and overlook part 1, 'killing members of the group' which would mean we ignore the 35,000 death toll so far with many more bodies buried beneath the rubble of their homes and other buildings.
Part 2, relating to torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment can go to one side along with the 2,200 Palestinian men, women and children being held in administrative detention, without charge or trial and all those videos of prisoners being severely beaten and humiliated Palestinians.
No need to look at part 3 where it defines genocide as deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction so subjecting a group of people to a subsistence diet, systematic expulsion from homes and the reduction of essential medical services so Israel not allowing aid into Gaza and attacking aide convoys when they did arrive, bombing every hospital in Gaza so there is no Health Service in the strip and people dying from starvation and disease as the utilities have been bomb damaged and Gazan's have been ordered to leave their homes en-mass and cross the country, we'd better make sure this part of the Genocide Act it is well out of sight.
Of the five acts of Genocide, we could easily pin 3 on Israel and the ICJ and ICC have but Israel is saying it hasn't done any of the above and who are we to argue, it isn't as if it has been militarily occupying Palestine and murdering them and stealing their land for over 60 years or anything.
Hang on...