FOAB Information

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Nice One Humza

You do have to wonder what was going on in the Scottish First Ministers mind when he sacked the Greens from his Government.
With the SNP's holding a majority of 1 in the Scottish Parliament, by sacking the two Greens for being too left wing, he went from a minority Government to one with less seats than the opposition who must as thought it was Christmas, Birthday and Hogmanay all rolled into one and immediately put in for a vote of no confidence in the SNP leader Humza Yousaf,  and the Greens, still stinging from their ousting said they would vote with the opposition against Yousaf.
With parliamentary arithmetic now against him he tried to talk around the only ALBA member to join him but she must have remembered that when she left the SNP, he said she was 'no loss' and told him to do one so Yousaf was left with little choice but to jump before he was pushed and resigned.
Immediately the SNP went looking for a candidate to replace him and the early favourite is Kate Forbes, the same woman who was forced to back down in her leadership campaign last time due to being too religious and getting herself in a heap of trouble by espousing views which included being against abortions, premarital sex, same sex marriage and trans rights which she disagreed with due to her deep seated faith.
With a general election looming,they are now looking towards John Swinney who only retired a year ago to spend more time with his family to come back as an interim leader but whatever happens, it really is in tune with the madness that has been happening with politics south of the border. 

1 comment:

  1. See, not reading properly or not understanding what you are reading so for the 757th time, only comments when the posts are post dated, these weren't hence no comments. Allow me to say it again for a 758th time to see if it sinks in. Only comments when the posts are post dated.
