FOAB Information

Friday 31 May 2024

Now A Convicted Criminal To Add To Trump List Of Shame

Donald Trump is guilty of many things, being an oompa-lumpah shade of orange to name just one of many but whether he was guilty of falsifying business records to hide his affair with a porn star we found out last night and he is, guilty 34 times actually.
Trump didn't expect to get off scott free though, saying even Mother Teresa wouldn’t be able to get free of the charges of having sex with and then paying off a porn star and if she had broken the law in the same way that he did then i doubt if she would, that's the whole point on having a jury although now that he is a criminal and has a shiny criminal record to prove it, he is potentially barred from voting and owning a gun but not, apparently, barred from running for President again.
It may be worth remembering here that last time he was in the White House he mishandled classified documents, attempted to overturn the election result and fomented the 6 January attack on the US Capitol as well as been found liable for sex abuse, defamation and impeached twice but according to some, falsifying his business records and now having the words 'Sex Abusing Criminal' beside his name is not the drawback it would appear in America, a country where a former president being convicted of multiple crimes is a boost to his prospects of getting the job again.
Before the verdict was read out his awful son, Donald Jr, said that he was proud to stand by his father in court which is a bit of a weird one when his father was in court for paying the silence of a porn star but it was the moron's words afterwards which made me smile, saying that 'America was turning into a third-world shithole' to which the reaction of many would have been: 'You're not wrong there pal' as we all sit on the sidelines and laugh.
So convicted criminal and sex abuser former President Donald Trump is now able to go about his business of being re-elected President and i am sure there are enough hapless gullible morons that will vote for him even if he is sat in a jail cell, which in some ways is incredibly funny but in others, quite scary if there are enough of them to vote him back into office.


  1. Try not to dribble that Kool Aid you’re supping, it may stain.

  2. Oh, you deleted that comment defending Trump while I was typing, oh well.

  3. You are now on Google's 'Watch' List. That made me smile.

  4. Well only one of us is on bloggers watch list so one of us isn’t too smart obviously but then we knew that anyway didn’t we Quentin.
