FOAB Information

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Stepping From Tory To Labour

In the last ten days, two Conservative MP's have defected to the Labour Party which raises a couple of questions around where our political parties now stand.
The Labour Party are much more centre left these days under Keir Starmer while The Conservatives have moved so far to the right that they are within touching distance of the parties they had dismissed as ideologically extreme right wing not that long ago so do the more moderate Tories see themselves as closer to the Labour Party than they do the headbangers which seemed to have taken over their own party?
That would be a concern for me that Labour have shifted so far away from their left-wing roots that Conservatives feel they fit in but i think the answer is much more mundane, they see the Conservatives as a sinking ship destined for the rocks of the upcoming General Election and any now switching sides are doing it out of preservation for their jobs.    
In a statement, the former Conservative MP Natalie Elphicke who made the short walk across the floor of the Commons today to the Labour benches said that she sees the modern Labour Party as the one looking to the future although it wasn't that long ago that she was at loggerheads with Labour's shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves over free school meals, campaigned for Liz Truss to become prime minister in 2022,  and defended the Rwanda deportation scheme so although a magnificent coup for Labour, is she really at home with the Socialists of the Labour Party?
She has said that she won't be standing at the next election so it can't be that she is hoping a change of party will save her seat and from her previous comments she hasn't become a  Karl Marx reading lefty so maybe we shouldn't look at it too deeply and just enjoy the obvious uncomfortable stomach punch to Rishi Sunak which maybe is just what it really is.