FOAB Information

Thursday 9 May 2024

Younger Generation Plonkers

Say what you want about the younger generation, prats, pillocks, plonkers and tosspots because they wont understand you anyway because young people appear unaware of some of the insults we throw at them, the Numpties.
In a survey of 2,000 under 28 year olds, 62% had never heard of Lummox, 60% didn't know what a Bampot was and Blighter (54%), Ninny (51%) and Cad (47%) were all insults which would sail over their innocent heads.
They may not all be Drips (42%), some may take umbrage at being called a Tosspot although 36% wouldn't, the dirty Toerags (34%) and a third would just look at you gormlessly if you said they were a pillock (33%) or a Nitwit (27%).    
If any of them had watched Only Fools and Horses they would know about Plonker although 25% said had never heard of it and 26% wouldn't know what a Git was which means i have wasted so many decent insults throw at under 28's because that is one i use most of the time.
So let's celebrate the Prats (25%) and Numpties (22%) and insult them even more because otherwise our words will be replaced by thing like 'Karen' or 'Boomer' which just do not have the same satisfaction as calling someone a miserbale git or a 9 carat gold Plonker.

1 comment:

  1. I’m between 40 and 64 and if I was to take the lead the world would be a very different place to what is currently is
