FOAB Information

Friday 21 June 2024

How Stupid?

As we are in the throes of Euro's Football fever, lets throw out some metaphors at just how bad the Conservative's at been at running their own election campaign in light of the latest scandal regarding a select few of Rishi Sunak's closest colleagues were illegally betting on the date of the election.
Own goal seems the most fitting because Tony Lee, the Conservative party’s director of campaigning, has taken 'a leave of absence' which immediately leads to the question was someone actually directing this shambles?
Lee is the fourth person to be under investigation by the Gambling Commission for placing bets on the election date before it was announced joining Sunak’s closest parliamentary aide, Craig Williams, having placed a £100 bet on the date and then a police officer in Sunak’s protection team suspended for the same thing and then the Tories Bristol North West pick Laura Saunders found to have made a trip to the bookies.
You would think that betting on 'insider knowledge' when only a handful of people knew would be enough of a caution but to carry on and do it anyway, in your own name rather than a family member of friend, means that you do have to wonder just how many types of stupids there are and it may not have reached its conclusion yet because the Conservative campaign HQ have issued a statement saying it was a 'small number of individuals' which could mean 4 or could mean the whole of the Cabinet were queuing up in William Hills that afternoon.
I suppose as they know they are on their way out and the fake PPE gravy train has come to a halt that they have to make their money somewhere but not having the sense to be a bit more candid about breaking the law is mind blowingly stupid although as Lee was doing such an awful job 'directing' the campaign, Sunak should thank his lucky stars that Lee is left kicking his heels at home well away from it all.