FOAB Information

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Poor Rishi

Rishi Sunak is a journalist's dream because he is just so bad at not falling into the elephant traps laid but seems to willingly jump into them as he did today when asked wile discussing how being immensely wealthy how he kept in touch with struggles people face and what he went without as a child.
First time he gave a vague 'We went without lots of things', when pressed on it a second time on the sacrifices his parents were forced to make when he was young he tried to deflect the question away with explaining how his parents  run a pharmacy and you could see the panic in his eyes when pressed on exactly what he had to go without as a child and the question would not go away so he gave a nervous laugh while his brain frantically searched for an answer for the lots of things he missed out on as a child and finally he came up with 'Sky TV'.
In the UK Sky began in 1990 and as Rishi was born in 1981 so he would have been 9 and when he was 13 he was sent to the exclusive Winchester College at £16,384 per term so maybe his parents refused to pay £18.99 a month in 1990 for all the Sky packages to pay for his education.
I guess we could blame his early exit from the D-Day events as not having Sky and missing out on the History Channel in his formative years, if he seen it he may have understood the significance of D-Day if he had access to the History Channel.
Rishi, the gift which keeps on giving.