FOAB Information

Tuesday 18 June 2024

The Kids' Are Alright

As the age of buying alcohol in the UK is 18 and most girls, with a bit of make-up and a push up bra can fool most barmen, being able to drink under-age was never a problem back in my day but since most places now require evidence that you are 25 before passing you alcohol for being over 18 then it is much harder to get rat-arsed on a few Jägerbombs now and maybe that's why teenagers today don't seem to bother.
According to GlobalData, the number of Gen Z's who plan to socialise less with their friends outside their homes had increased to a fifth by the end of 2023 and these days, young people go to bed early, go to the gym, are vegan, sober, not having sex and the only pills they’re interested in taking are the Vitamin sort.
Some of the kids say that the single biggest thing keeping people away from nights out on the lash is the price and some are concerned about the safety in this age of date rape drugs being slipped into drinks and a Government report shows they are right to be cautious with cases of spiking in the UK skyrocketing from 316 in 2021 to 1746 last year.
Others are saying it is the problem of wasting the next day recovering from the bathful of vodka the night before and we all know that feeling, the amount of times i have woken up with what feels like a carpet in my mouth and someone playing bongos on my skull while trying to remember how the hell i burnt through that much money in one evening is one i recall well so maybe the younger generation are playing it wise.
To be fair they are probably a lot more sensible than my friends and i were at that age but then on the other hand, we could get in at 3am and still turn up at work at 8am the next morning so maybe we were more hardy but overall i think the kid's are alright, skint, sober and not as rebellious obviously, but alright nonetheless.

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