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Sunday 2 June 2024

The Trump Raised Fist

You would think that a man who is mocked for having tiny hands (and therefore a teeny willy) would be keen to keep them in his pockets and not show them to be ridiculed but Donald Trump is not known for his smarts and he does like to do that right handed fist salute thing at every opportunity which over here is associated with the Socialist/Communist movement and in America, as far as i am aware, is the black power salute.
Now Donald Trump, with his fascist ideology, is so far removed from the left that we shouldn't be taking it that he has finally grown a brain and left the right wing behind and nor, as he is as racist as the next guy, if that next guy is his KKK supporting father, it is hard to believe that he is advocating for anti-racist struggles so why is he doing it?
Wikipedia shows that in the 1980s, white supremacists in the United States and elsewhere had appropriated this symbol, substituting a white fist and claiming   that they use the symbol to represent 'white pride' and 'white power' and while he was President he retweeted a video of a fist-pumping supporter in Florida shouting 'white power' and we all remember the white nationalists carrying torches and swastikas in Charlottesville he defended, calling them 'some very fine people'.
It could be a dog whistle sign to his racist base but i am more inclined to believe that he is just to ignorant to realise the meaning behind it and thinks it's show of power or command in that limited amount of grey matter of his so will carry on doing it anyway.


  1. i think it is only the left that focus on trump's hair and hands... the left is so weird

  2. so when blacks raised a fist it was "power", when whites raise a fist it is "racism"... hmmm no double standard there... none...

  3. fist pumping is a natural human behavior. you see it in all sorts of endeavors where people get excited and emotional. tennis, golf, Home Alone, hot dog eating contests, etc.

    the fist you speak of was clad in a black glove. and the fact that white supremacists use it does not mean that everybody using it is a white supremacist.

    leftist, journalist logic gone wild once again... white supremacists also have tattoos. does that make all the modern day leftists (which tend to be tattooed) white supremacists?

    how does that leftist logic go: "Dogs eat meat, Rex eats meat, Rex must be a dog".
