FOAB Information

Monday 10 June 2024

Woohoo...Manifesto Week

It's Manifesto week which may not be as exciting as Christmas Week or seven days in the Canary Islands i agree but it's an important part of the Election process because we get to see in detail what each of the Parties are offering.
The Liberal Democrats were first of the big parties to issue their 116 page tome today and then the rest will dribble theirs out as the week goes on and i will pick my way through them as each comes out and see who most closely matches my own aspirations but i'm already pretty certain their will be slim pickings from the Conservatives and even less from Reform UK.
I intend to put out my own manifesto at some point this week and can see immediately where we could make savings and i have a good idea of where i would, and wouldn't, spend our money and how we could raise tens of billions and put right what the reckless Conservatives have broken.