FOAB Information

Sunday 7 July 2024

Former PM's Offering Advice

Former Prime Ministers seem to be dragging themselves back out of the woodwork to give advice to their parties so we have had Boris Johnson sticking his head up to give advice to his Party on where they went wrong and what they can do now and Tony Blair is piping up with what the new Labour Government can do now they are in power.
Blair is trying to advise Keir Starmer on how to tackle immigration by introducing ID cards and we had Liz Truss the other week offering advice on what the Tories should do and Boris is saying his Party should pick a leader from the centre of the party and not the right wing extremes and just stick with them.
The Labour Party have politely declined the Blair advice, saying that it was not part of their plans which is a lot more polite than i would have been, i would have told him to pull his head in because he was eased out of office due to him and his illegal wars in the Middle East which meant Labour was booted out last time.
As for Boris Johnson and Liz Truss giving advice to anyone, that's just laughable, she tanked the economy after just 44 days of office and was told to do one by her own Party and Boris Johnson told so many lies that if he told you it was raining you would go look out the window yourself and was himself forced out of Office by his own side who refused to work with him.
Why such failures feel they can offer advice to anyone is beyond me but i assume it's ego that they are still somehow important but they aren't so should bugger off and shut up, you all had your chance and made a rickets of it so go away.

1 comment:

  1. Why would anyone want to align themselves in any way whatsoever with America when there is a possibility of another Trump debacle coming down the line?
