FOAB Information

Friday 19 July 2024

Monday, Tuesday, (Un)Happy Days

You got to love the American right wing if not for anything else than the fact they they are ridiculously simple.
Loved the scenes at the Republican Conference where lots of Trump fans turned up with what looked like sanitary towels tape do their right ears in homage to the man who is now their elected nominee for the Presidency who for once had an excuse for looking ridiculous as someone tried to shoot him but the crowd chose to look like it, amazingly ludicrous.
As expected the former President milked it for all his worth and even at one point said it was divine intervention and it was for the grace of God that the crowd behind him were not picking bits of Trump's brain out of their hair, which would have been a damn good shot to have hit a target that small.
As for God intervening to keep him fat and unhealthy, it is unlikely that anyone looks at him and thinks 'well, he is a sex offending racist who conned millions of dollars out of people and last time he was in charge caged children and was not faithful to his wife but what the hell, i will get him to turn his head a split second so it is only his ear that gets hit by the bullet' rather than dumb luck that he turned to look at an autocue just at the right moment.
Brilliantly one of the delegates claimed: 'Everybody in the world is going to be wearing these pretty soon.' Really?  Sanitary Towels on the ear is going to become a fashion choice of the Globe??
Obviously America is a very different beast to UK politics so i cant imagine what the Right-Wing of America are doing voting for a man who gives everyone else the willies and is not adverse to sharing his own smaller than average willy (courtesy of Stormy Daniels) with people who were not one of his four wives.   
Weirdly every time they mentioned Milwaukee on TV all i heard was the Happy Day's Theme Tune which was probably preferable to the nonsense they were spouting but it did make me chuckle when JD Vance was outed as the wannabe Vice President and the American TV Stations immediately began showing the bits where he called Trump 'an idiot' , 'reprehensible' and compared him to Adolf Hitler.
The smart money is on another Trump shaped buttock groove in the reinforced White House chairs all the time Joe Biden is the opposition and with the man with the bandaged ear currently leading 52 to 48 in the polls, this could be a great time for Americans to buy shares in Bodyform.


  1. Care to point out what I wrote which is rumour and disinformation?

  2. Cool as Fonzy would say
