FOAB Information

Saturday 20 July 2024

New Government Fixing Last Goverments Misrule

A fortnight into the new Labour Government and already the awful memories of austerity, cutting public services, Brexit, the hostile environment, the “go home” vans, proroguing parliament, the Windrush scandal, the A-level scandal, the Post Office scandal, Grenfell, Covid parties, the Rwanda scheme, dumping effluence into rivers, the two-child benefit cap, the food banks, impoverished children, the homelessness crisis, the cost-of-living crisis, freezing working-age benefits, tripling tuition fees, the ailing NHS and the institutional racism is becoming a memory.
As the Conservatives left the UK economy in such a perilous state, it is considered that it will take Labour the whole of their first administration just getting us back on an even keel but where to start?
For some the destruction of the NHS under a right wing Government  is the priority and that is where the Government should look to tackle first but after 14 years of underfunding, the price tag to just get the NHS back to where the Conservatives vandalised it has been pegged at £56bn.
For some  law and order but after cutting 20,000 police and (again) underfunding for almost 3 decades, the price tag is £20bn which is almost the amount the Conservatives cut from the Education budget and which would need to be spent to just get us back to 2010 levels.
Civil Servants, the people who work your Tax Returns, issue passports, administer pensions and benefits and deal with Asylum claims fell by 100,000 under a succession of Conservative leaders who planned a further cull of 91,000 if they were relected so that needs to be bought back to the required levels to ensure the 6 month wait for your tax repayment, the months long wait for a passport and the year long wait for a decision on the status of immigrants is not continuing.
Then there is rekindling a working relationship with our EU neighbours after Brexit which cost the UK economy an estimated £140 billion and led to the very real prospect of breaking up the UK and led to the highest tax burden since WW2  and lets not forget the environmental, cost of living, Housing and transport which all need to be dealt with.
The Labour Party has much on it's plate fixing what the Conservatives have broken and it will cost them the first five years and hundreds of billions but the worst thing of all is that 24% of the electorate still preferred the party that literally partied while people died to any of the of the other parties which does make me wonder, have they not been paying attention for the last 14 years?   


  1. Well i gave my breakdown here and included scrap the Nuclear Weapons, reverse Brexit, a Windfall tax on banks and utilities and scrap the Royal payments which i made out was savings of £365 billion.

  2. reversing (sic) brexit (sic) WILL NOT WORK

    So having access to the largest single market on the Planet and making it easier to sell our wares in it would not be of benefit to our economy? Wow, and i thought i was bad at economics.

    You do realise that the windfall tax is on excess profits don't you, not just on ordinary profits? I assume you do and are hoping i didn't.

  3. Look it up, or ask someone.
