FOAB Information

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Taking It With You

A common myth is that after his death from lung cancer, Walt Disney has been cryogenically frozen which raises many questions, the main one being if he is locked in a freezer somewhere then who the hell was that they cremated in 1966?
While it is widely considered to be a fantasy from Science Fiction films and Futurama, being defrosted in a couple of hundred years time is becoming a business opportunity with one firm not only offering you the opportunity to not rely on reincarnation and risk coming back as a cockroach, but they also put in place your finances so you can literally take it with you when you die.
Obviously nobody wants to come back from the dead in 2224 only to find your family squandered your fortune generations ago so a firm in Arizona, Alchor, will set up a Revival Trust Fund payable to yourself in the future so even if the World has been taken over by Robots or Climate Change has rendered the Planet inhabitable you can still buy a pot to do your business in at least, if you can afford one in 2224.  
Alcor has already placed 230 in the deep freeze and has a further 1,400 ready to be placed amongst the bags of frozen people and you can join them if you have  £170,000 for whole body cryopreservation or if that's a bit too rich for your still flowing blood you can get just your head preserved for just £62,000.
Before you try to get your as yet unsevered head round that, it does come with the warning that when they finally work out how to thaw out and reattach your nut to another body, you may not necessarily be the same person especially as the law in America states that someone can’t be a beneficiary of their own trust so you would have to be someone else in order to get your hands (someone else's hands?) on your own money.
You know what, it may just be simpler to leave everything to the cats home after all.

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