FOAB Information

Saturday 20 July 2024

The Chuggers New Twist

For some reason, no matter how hard i try not i always seem to attract the Chuggers (Charity Muggers) in High Streets who seem intent to block my path and ask if they and their clipboard can take a few minutes of my time.
I met a friend in town today who was a bit late but as the Chuggers are apparently not permitted to approach people sat down, i kept my backside firmly attached to a seat but as they were operating close by, i could hear their spiel which seemed to be the usual over friendly type but had a new twist once the person had agreed to sign up for a direct debit for a certain amount of their choosing.
On 3 occasions, so it is obviously what they have been told to do, i heard the  Chugger ask could the person afford to just up the amount a little. Two said a firm no but one agreed to go from £10 to £15 a month after some persuasion and i understand the Charities have to raise money but this does feel rather self defeating as nothing is guaranteed to get a potential donors back up then asking for more once they have agreed to give something.
Some people I saw were suitably ornery enough to just shake their head or give a polite 'No Thanks' as they stride confidently past them and ignored the outstretched arm designed to stop them but i know many people who could be browbeaten into giving more than they could afford just to end the social awkwardness of 'looking tight' when faced with starving children or research for Cancer.
To right thing to do, if you want to give is go direct to the website because over a decade ago i looked into the High Street Charity game and was amazed to find that that the Chuggers are paid and are not volunteers and your first 12 months of donations go to paying the Chuggers wages and the commission to their employer and only after that does the Charity receive your donation.
By all means give to Charity if you can afford it but don't be scared to say no because they are not scared to inconvenience and ask you to help pay their wages for the next 12 months. 

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