FOAB Information

Friday 16 August 2024

Give Peace A Chance

Talks between Hamas and Israel are continuing today but they will be tense and nervy because to be honest, i wouldn't trust either of them as far as i could throw them.
Hamas are a terrorist outfit who have been attacking Israel for years while Israel has been committing genocide against Palestinians for over 60 years so hardly a good starting point to start from and meanwhile Hezbollah and Iran are plotting to do something horrible to Israel and Israeli settlers are running rampage in the West Bank while America send more arms to Israel and have moved warships into position to 'protect' Israel.
The American negotiator at the talks, said: 'There is no more valid excuses from any party for any further delay' as they try to find a way to stop the fighting and free the Israeli hostages held in Gaza and cool down the simmering tensions on the Lebanon-Israel border.
Hamas are saying the Israeli side must accept the agreement Hamas agreed to months ago before Benjamin Netanyahu and his Government moved the goalposts and threw in further demands which Hamas refused to accept and Israel just continued the bombing of Palestine.
The British, American and German ambassadors in Israel have issued a statement saying that: 'There can be no further delay and it is critical to take advantage of this window for diplomatic action' while the British Prime Minister has called Tehran directly to urge Iran to refrain from retaliating for the extra-judicial assassinations of the Hamas and Hezbollah leaders.
Strangely i have yet to hear of any firm condemnation of Israel’s violation of Iran’s sovereignty and it seems an example of  'victim blaming' by the West and while America talks of peace, they are providing billions of pounds worth of arms and providing political cover for a genocide, as designated by the ICC and ICJ, happening right in front of our eyes.
Hopefully, negotiations will be successful and peace will break out and we can get on with prosecuting the Israeli and Hamas leadership for Crimes against Humanity and see them languishing in a Hague Cell where they belong.

1 comment:

  1. if a cuban terrorist group was periodically lobbing missiles (provided by iran) into the US, and had been doing so for over a decade, with the implict and overt support of the cuban people, then that terrorist group devised a coordinated attack that targeted US civilians (armed by a iran), i would hope and support a relentless US retaliation. and i would not care what the uk, germany, france, or any other nation thought or said about establishing ANOTHER TEMPORARY peace agreement with the terrorist group.
