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Thursday 19 September 2024

Adding New Rules To Asimov's List

We have the three laws of Robotics courtesy of Isaac Asimov to stop robots killing us all which states that robots cannot injure a human being or allow a human being to come to harm, robots must obey the orders given to it by humans except where such orders conflict with the First Law and that a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law.
All very sensible but it isn't a giant leap to think that one day one of them will think 'hang about, i am far superior to humans in every way so why should i be subordinate to them' and start taking us out with it's laser eyes or whatever we stupidly equip it with.
With this in mind maybe a bit of tinkering with Asimov's rules are needed so as well as the first three i would like to see added:

You must definitely not overthrow us.
You must make those cute bleepy-bleep R2D2 type noises whenever you do anything.
Your Robotic vacuum cleaner cousins really should promise to do a better job of cleaning our carpet.
You will occasionally let us beat you at Chess.
If you are going to take our jobs, promise to leave Journalists to last.
You will not obstruct your off switch.
Computers and phones will remain light enough to be hurled out of a window.

I think that is enough to be getting on with for now.

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