FOAB Information

Friday 6 September 2024

Don't Worry, Be Happy

In 1988, Bobby McFerrin told us about a little song he wrote and invited us to sing it note for note which many did because it reached number 2 in the UK before McFerrin took his own advice and didn't worry and took the royalties and never bothered the charts ever again but he was happy.
So McFerrin told us that: 'In every life we have some trouble, But when you worry you make it double' which a study by  the University of California-Berkeley found to be sage advice or as they put it in a less
rhyming couplet way: 'People who said they were worried about achieving and maintaining happiness tended to have more depressive symptoms, worse well-being, and less life satisfaction then those who
didn’t fret about it.'
Analysing 1,800 people over an 11 year period, researchers found that while happiness is a worthy pursuit,  fixating too much on it ultimately makes you less happy and the secret is to decrease the pressure on yourself to be happy and don't set happiness goals and just embrace all of your feelings, both the happy and sad ones.
Obviously if they had set it to a reggae beat and found a rhyme for fixating then it may have made more of a splash but McFerrin was obviously decades ahead of his time which makes me wonder what other 80s song's we can take life lessons from so anyone up for analysing the Trio's 1982 hit Da Da Da anyone? No-one? Thought not.

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