FOAB Information

Tuesday 30 January 2007

Some Men Just Don't Get It

I have never seen myself as a sexist - indeed, many of my best friends are men - but over the past few weeks it has become harder and harder to accept the idea that men are really cut out for the business of running countries. With their natural emotionalism, unpredictable mood swings and propensity for coming out with bird-brained things, would they not be better suited to more forgiving occupations, such as cleaning, secretarial work, or perhaps the caring professions?
The latest nomination for the Emmeline Pankhurst award for services to Feminism goes to the Japanese Health Minister who endered himself to female voters when he described women as "birth-giving machines" and implored them to "do their best" to halt the country's declining birthrate.
Methinks Mrs. Health Minister could well be hanging an 'Out of Order' sign over her mechanical bits until her hubby apologises. Or until he does the dishes at least.


  1. My god, what an ignorant man.

    Please don't take the likes of him as a prototypical example of the world's men. A lot of us are actually quite enlightened.

  2. I dont know Lucy. It seems to me that women who reach a certain age are more dangerous than men when it comes to governing countries. Here is a personal favourite :

    Asked by Stahl with regards to effect of sanctions against Iraq: "We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?". (Madeline) Albright replied: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price -- we think the price is worth it".

    Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, Margaret Tatcher ... they were all cold-hearted you-know-whats who wouldn't have hesitated to massacre innocent people. Even middle-aged women, when they are put in certain positions, seem to take pride in being "tough" - meaning they take pride in becoming cold-hearted bitches. Perhaps they subconsciously try to behave like men and make an extra effort to prevent their "feminity" from interfering with their work. I am yet to come across an accomplished woman who is also "normal". Most of them equate confidence and assertiveness with loudness, arrogance and plain old bitchiness. They are sincere workers and get the job done. But most of them are just plain unpleasant and obnoxious human-beings. or maybe the ones that I have come across are not a representative sample.
