FOAB Information

Wednesday 31 January 2007

Middle East War: Take 3

Osmium and Iridium are the two most dense elements in pure form.
The end-stage product of a star's demise is the black hole, a locus of gravity so dense nothing that goes in can ever come out.
These have a challenger for the most densest thing known to man and that is one Mr George Walker Bush.
Not content with one war going badly wrong. Not happy with two wars going disastrously belly up, he is now itching to send more Americans to certain death against Iran.
Not one to learn from his mistakes you could say, as he ups the rhetoric against Iran and its leadership.
There is apparent 'evidence' that Iran is supporting the insurgency in Iraq which is 'killing Americans' which solves the complex problem of how Bush would sell his next War to a disbelieving American public.
"We could be stumbling into another War" said one MP today. The Americans, backed by Israel, seem to be not so much stumbling but hop, skip and jumping into the next one.


  1. From what I understand, the Iranians aren't too happy with their President either. If Bush wants and excuse to attack, he'd better hurry.

  2. Probably it would have been better to attack Iran than Iraq in the first place, but now who knows.

    Anyway, nice new look, Lucy!

  3. It sure won't happen on Bush's watch due to the new Congress, and not ever unless Iran goes provocatively stupid.

  4. Yeah, I'm afraid Daniel's right. The neo-cons, despite their failings, are determined to push ahead with their agenda.

  5. And just like the weeks leading up to the invasion of Iraq, the supposedly "liberal" media is, for the most part, pretending that Iranian nukes are a fact, rather than a possibility.

  6. Important question:

    If the US public really didn't want their government to go to war with Iran, is there anything they can really do to stop them?

    Mass protests didn't work for Iraq, and they still aren't working.

    As Daniel said on his blog, impeachment takes too damn long, and then you get stuck with Cheny anyway... isn't there some kind of fail-safe that ensures democracy in a supposed democracy?!!

    Same goes for the UK.

    Sorry for the daft question... i have very little knowledge of politics!

  7. The public cannot stop it, once they have done their 'democrat' right to vote bit, the elected Governments can do as they please for the next 4-5 years. Or another country decides regime change is in order, in which case it invades it.
    Laugably we call this Democracy, but it is as close to Democracy as I am to being a choirgirl.

  8. "isn't there some kind of fail-safe that ensures democracy in a supposed democracy?!!"

    That's why the founding fathers gave us the right to bear arms, but don't expect that to actually be used unless the government tries to make television illegal.

  9. Wasn't the right to bear arms something to do with repelling the English?
