FOAB Information

Friday 9 February 2007

Anna Nicole Smith

I never really knew much about Anna Nicole Smith. She was best known this side of the World for marrying an 89 year old billionaire and the court fallout from that decision.
I always thought she looked a little like Marilyn Monroe and was not surprised to find out she was obsessed with the actress.
She next came to my attention late last year when her 20 year old son died of a drug overdose while visiting his mother in hospital after she had given birth.
Now at 39, she has died of reasons as yet unknown, but the whipsers are that she took her obsession with Marilyn Monroe to the ultimate conclusion.
Very sad that her life was spent chasing happiness and ended with such tragedy at such a young age.


  1. I can't say I ever thought highly of her, but I feel sorry for the little girl. She's the gateway to millions, and is in a sad position where she's more likely to be used than loved.

    I find it interesting, though, that for years Anna was thought of- and talked about widely- as a two-bit whore. Now that she's had a tragic end, people are falling all over themselves to say nice things about her. Kind of the same way Nixon became a "controversial statesman" instead of the crook he was.

  2. Yeah - a sad life. Apparently she was an emotional wreck after her son's death.

  3. Joe, that always happens. My parents owned a newsagent a few years ago. I remember the day that the world heard about Diana's death, the front pages of the Sun and other tabloids were covered with trashy headlines and pics of her and Dodi Fayed. She died in the early morning, after the papers had been published and delivered to the shops. Next day, the rhetoric changed completely, with the Mirror donning a black front page, out of respect & mourning.

    Pur-lease... talk about fickle!

    Anyway, I didn't know much about Anna, either, except what you mentioned Lucy. It's all rather baffling, and sad.

  4. Luckily, i do not know her background or else i might see her in a different light which may taint my sorrow for her.
    I agree with you joe & iMuslim, the hypocrisy shown to someone after they have died is not good. If you think someone is a git when they are alive, just because they have died should not change your opinion.

    Ruth - It is probably my connection but when i try to comment on your blog i just get the page loading thing at the bottom and it never loads. Does anyone else have the problem or is it something my end?
    I also get it at Paulas site sometimes.

  5. Lucy- I've been getting a lot of that from Haloscan recently, at a lot of sites. It's them. The problem I have HERE is that the verification letters don't show up half the time.

  6. Muslims are encouraged to speak only good of the dead, and it is better not to say anything at all, if you can't think anything good.

    However, to avoid hypocrisy, it would be even better if you avoided bad mouthing the individual, while they're still alive! Not unless they are causing serious problems for society.. *cough*BUSH*cough*

    Joe, the verification system is a right royal pain in the derriere! I always have to enter the 'word' twice, and sometimes it doesn't show up for me, either.

    However, i also use the system on my blog, so sorry for the inconvenience everyone! hehe

  7. Larger than life people sometimes reap rather unfortunate rewards. Being ordinary does have its benefits. You don't have much to lose! Cheers.

  8. Come to think of it, I have had to enter the verification letters in haloscan twice lately, i just assummed it was my connection. I blame everything on my connection, i really have no faith at all in NTL/Virgin or whatever capitalist pig dog company is taking my £12.99 per month.

  9. Seems like all the blogging and commenting systems have had issues lately. Sorry for any inconvenience. I actually threw a few bucks to HaloScan to get rid of the ads and keep my stuff forever, so I'm kinda committed to it now.

    Re Anna...yeah, she was trampy, but I rooted for her to get the money. She made that old geezer happy for a while, which is more than his sourpuss son probably ever did.
