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Sunday 11 February 2007

I Don't Wanna Grow Up

Times change and we have to change with them and so it was inevitable that one day i would get around to sorting out my music collection. CD's lay abandoned in almost every room, congregating around the various CD players i have spotted about the place. My position has always been that CD's should be left to find their own order.
The frequently used will get pride of place somewhere close to the music hardware while those you have played only once and know you never will again, drift quietly down to less accessible areas between chairs, behind the computer and under the stairs.
Some music is it easy to part with and does make you wonder just what exactly you were smoking when you made the decision to part with your hard earned to buy it.
Others are just impossible to part with but as i looked back over my maturing musical tastes, i suddenly realised that my musical tastes have not matured at all.
All my life i have been listening to the angry, guitar based punk stuff from the likes of The Clash, Sex Pistols, The Ramones, Guns n Roses, Carter USM (who i 'borrowed' the name from for this blog), Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Green Day.
I did briefly wonder why i had not followed other friends of the same age who had fallen into liking more mellow, grown up music but that only lasted a few seconds as i threw The Ramones CD in the player, picked up the guitar, whacked the gain up on the amp and blasted out 'I Don't Wanna Grow Up'.
Altogether now..."When I'm lyin' in my bed at night, I don't wanna grow up, Nothing ever seems to turn out right, I don't wanna grow up..."


  1. Do you like Neil Young? He put out an anti-war CD last year, and I've been getting more into some of his early stuff.

  2. I have heard Neil Young mentioned a few times by, i think, o'Tim and Joe.
    I don't think i have ever actually heard a Neil Young song or if i have, i didn't know it was him.
    I will have to see if i can beg/borrow/steal a Neil Young CD.

  3. Neil Young ... "Needle and the Damage Done"! Check it out....!

    YAY Canadians ..... tee hee heee...

    (shameless plug) :)

    pssssssssssst .....

    grow up at your own pace, ever hear of the farmer who would go out to his field every day and pull on the young growing shoots? They did not bear fruit, they grew too fast and died too fast .....

    One may live fast and furious and still grow ...without growing up.

    I have decided to grow out of my 9-5 and go back to precarious ... am I tooo old to have a Mohawk? I think I want to put my nose rings back in .... as my hair becomes salt and pepper .... purple will look much much better....!

    Grow outwards, grow downwards .... have up as a potential destintation but not he be all and .... END ALL. Grow sideways like a beautiful ivy on a fence ... one that flowers!

    Peace and Blessings

    Lil Sparrow

  4. There are a lot of Neil Young performances on YouTube.

  5. I am surprised. I always imagained you as someone who liked off-the-beaten-path indy music.

    You rock! But I never thought that you actually rocked.

    My tastes have definitely changed since I was a teenager. I guess "18 till I die" is to me what "I Don't Wanna Grow Up" is to you. Anyway, these days I am listening to a lot of Damien Rice.


  7. Yep, that's a good one, and so is this.
    And this
    And this

  8. DP - Maybe Neil Young is just not that well known over here. I asked a few people and they all said that they knew the name but couldn't name any of his songs. I picked up his Greatest hits CD from the library on the way home and will listen to it later. They didn't have his anti war CD.
