FOAB Information

Sunday 11 February 2007

Caption Competition #1

I enjoy the competitions that sometimes run on other Blogs so i thought I would run one of my own.
No prizes but an excellent chance to show off your wit by composing a suitable caption for this picture.

My Effort "What's that God? You want me to invade where next?"


  1. "Speak louder History, I can't hear what you are saying."

  2. "Uh-oh! My brain's leaking out ma ears again. I best try and catch what little's left, before i start running on empty... Whoops, too late!"

    [P.S., I don't think anyone can beat Lucy's line! Classic!]

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I just thought of another one...

    Scenario: World leaders meet to resolve the issue of Iran's alledged Nuclear Arms ambitions.

    Previous frames show Bush with his hand outstretched, offering a conciliatory handshake to Ahmadinejad. Understandably, Mahmoud is taken aback by the friendly gesture, but in the interests of diplomacy, he decides to reciprocate. But just before he takes grip of George's hand, Bush quickly pulls it away and wipes it over the back of his head saying:

    "Ha Ha, you're too slow!"

    [George snickers to himself: them Iranians aint so smart... heh heh]

    Hmm... not sure that worked... oh well!

  5. "Laura? Hello! Laura honey? I can barely hear you honey could you speak up? (now speaking to secret service agent in room) What's that? Doh! I forgot to put the dam phone in my hand again? Hehehe I just got to stop doing those sort of things!"

  6. One for the Brits (i.e., Lucy will probably be the only one to get this):

    Look, he's clearly in the middle of a Morecambe & Wise impression!

    "Bring me sunshine, in your smile..."


  7. "Oh, I think I hear my brain calling. It wants to come home."

  8. "What's that, Dick? Did I say Iraqistan again? I meant Iraninaqi!"

  9. "Huh? You say Bush is another word for a woman's WHAT?"

  10. BRILLIANT STUFF!!!!! Geeze, the dog came trotting in to see what the noise was i laughed so hard.
    I knew you guys would make it worth it.

    PS..i got it iMuslim, very good.

  11. "When I put my hand up to my ear, it almost sounds like the sea, like when I put a seashell up to my ear, which I've always thought was the damnest thing, being able to hear the sea in a seashell, especially when you're not at the sea but somewhere away from the sea, like Connecticut."

  12. Tough choice but i would have to give the winners ribbon to Joe the Troll.

  13. If i had to choose a winner, it'd have to be a toss up 'tween Lucy, Daniel & Stephen.

    No offense to you Joe; my taste for that kind of humour, has diminished these last couple of years! hehe

    But this blog is not a democracy, but a monarchy (Hail Queen Lucy!), so well done ol' chap!

  14. No offense taken.

  15. Heyyyyy what about my honorable mention considering I am of the right wing persuasion and even I contributed???

    No fair :( You lefties are so biased :p

  16. Wow, and I gave it my best shot at insulting Bush the warmonger.

