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Saturday 17 February 2007

A Chance To Right A Musical Injustice

Since the recent rule change whereby any legally downloaded song is eligible to chart, we can expect to see some classics as well as some real duffers from by-gone years back in the UK top 40.
Although peoples tastes are wildly different when it comes to music, there are some songs that should of been strangled at birth which have risen to to the top while more deserving efforts have floundered.
So we have a chance to right a few wrongs, musically anyway, and give some old hits the top ranking they deserved.
If i was restricted to dishing out justice for just 1 song not getting the credit it deserved, i would have to plump for the Undertones 'Teenage Kicks'.
The Brits should hang their collective heads in shame that probably the greatest record ever made, only crept to number 31.


  1. Im sorry to say, Lucy, that I havent heard of the album of which you speak so I'm unable to agree or disagree.....Funny title for the best ever album though! lol

    Zoe xxx

  2. It's a single by the undertones from the late 70s Zoe.

  3. I've got a bit of British musical trivia up chez moi that you might find interesting, Lucy.
