FOAB Information

Friday 16 February 2007

Parenting The Brit Way

Within minutes of the UNICEF report being released which stated that the Brits were the worst parents in the developed World, the news channels were filled with outraged mothers and fathers.
The video guys didn't have time to slot in a backing track to accompany the whining but if it had, the obvious choice would of been Black Sabbath's Paranoid.
"It's the UN, they hate us after Iraq anyway," stormed one flat capped Northerner who looked as if he had stepped out of Last of The Summer Wine.
"What do they know" cackled one woman while her boyfriend chipped in with "Everyone hates us and the yanks, it's jealousy".
And so it went on with the blame apportioned to the Schools, Government, drugs, computer games, films and the UN.
Parenting the British way. Take no responsibility for your own and blame everyone else.


  1. Three teenagers shot dead in a fortnight; something's not being done right.

  2. Definitely, I don't know the answer but something has gone wrong and it has too be stamped on quick.

  3. Surely its a case of being underpriveleged in a rich country? America is the bottom, and Britain is second from the bottom. Is this not more a survey about the difference between rich and poor in a capitalist country rather than how bad/good we are doing?

  4. I think Little Cheese has it right. We have loads of poor children here stuck in violent neighborhoods, going to horrible schools and lacking health insurance. It's shameful.

  5. Perhaps it's time that parents became parents again rather than people who do little more than provide clients for childcare centres. Cheers!

  6. You are not wrong Little Cheese/Paula but my concern is the culture of blaming everyone else for the happiness of your children. The first reaction was to blame everyone else and although it may be a mix of things, parenting skills is in the mix.
