FOAB Information

Thursday 15 February 2007

Caption Competition #2

Brilliant reaction to the last caption contest so lets do it again with Saddam in Court.

Saddam : Oh, go on.
Guard : Sir, for the last time, i am not going to pull your finger.


  1. Saddam: And I went AAAAAAAAAARRRRGH! That's never a finger! He's found a dead tree and shoved it up my arse there! I thought if I turn around and this guy's unzipping his fly, murder will be done!

    Courtesy of Billy Connolly

  2. "....and the worst thing is they check me for polyps EVERY DAY!"

    I've been trying to post this all afternoon.... damn word verification.

  3. "Oww! I have a paper cut. I will need a Band-Aid, a beautiful virgin, and a bottle of Stoli. Hurry up now, lest I file another complaint for mistreatment."

  4. George H. W. Bush's ass was so tight I couldn't get this finger in it. His son? Different story altogether...

  5. Caption:

    Saddam showing a court gaurd in inches just how well "endowed" he is.

  6. LOL to the ones above!

    Here's my attempt:

    "One footlong bratwurst and a 16-ounce Coors Light, please."

  7. "This finger of mine will attract a lot of jobless, farting assols after Im gone..."

  8. "The bloody Judge is trying to finger me!"

  9. "I effuth do destify eecuth uff my reethent woot canaw."

  10. Hmmm...lots of arse jokes but i have to give this one to Paula.

  11. Cool! I'd like to thank all the little people. And the big people. And the medium-sized people. Did I leave anyone out?

    *wave to Mom*

  12. WHAT? Mine was not an arse joke! It's not only "lefty" bias it's now gender bias :( It's a conspiracy. I poured my heart and soul into that last one:<

    Awww crap, now I am sounding like a whiny lefty.

  13. Actually, that "lefty bias" part sounded like a whiny righty. You know, always whining that the media is biased because it doesn't ignore the administration's errors and simply promote the White House's agenda. Those darn facts keep popping up!They're the ones you usually hear whining these days, since you-know-what.

  14. Yours was a contender TIO, but Paulas was just the one that made me laugh the most and she used 'lest' which is always good.

  15. I really don't have anything to add, but my word verification is "joesij", and how can I resist?
