FOAB Information

Wednesday 14 February 2007

Diplomacy Triumphs...Again.

The dropping of bombs on assorted countries by ridiculously governed nations in recent years has provoked much scorn among the tree hugging lefty fraternity. "You can't talk to these people," the righty safe-at-home-miles-away-from-the-actual-bombing knuckle scrapers whined incessantly, until stopping abruptly this morning when it became apparent that, actually, you can.
North Korea has agreed to close its nuclear reactor and readmit international inspectors in exchange for fuel aid as the first step towards disarming its atomic arsenal.
Dinky Kim Jong-Il was never really on George Bush's 'to bomb' list once it was proven he had got his tiny hands on Nuclear weapons but it didn't stop the North Korean for being blamed for everything from sinking the Titanic to Bush falling off his bike (twice) but now there is talk of taking North Korea off the terrorist states shortlist.
Tehran and Damascus take note. Brave armchair warmongers take an aspirin and go to bed, your moment in the sun has passed.


  1. DPNK never wanted war though--it was clear they were always after money and help. With Tehran, who knows.

  2. Who knows, perhaps. Still, there are many who feel that no time should be wasted even TRYING to have a dialog, because it's failure is a foregone conclusion. I think this development gives strong support to the idea that dialog is not a predestined failure.

  3. To not even try to talk is the biggest crime, and remember the Iran pres. sent that letter to Bush asking for a chinwag last year which was ignored.

  4. The North Korea thing caught me by surprise! I had to do a double take... i'm still not really believing it... did i miss something, ?!

  5. Don't think you missed anything, N Korea is a basketcase and gambled that they could use nuclear weapons to extract aid. They won.

  6. Just letting you know I've changed my url Lucy. It's now

  7. Thanks ruth, i had problems posting comments at your blog so hopefully i can at this one.
