FOAB Information

Saturday 3 February 2007

Chavez Making A Monkey Of Bush

Regular readers will know that i have a soft spot for Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Not only is he a Socialist implementing the Socialist dream in his country, but he has an excellent choice in barbed sideswipes at his detractors.
His fodder is usually George Bush as it was again this time as the US President said that Chavez was "undermining ... democratic institutions by the recent passage of a controversial enabling law to allow for government by decree."
In reply, Hugo described Mr Bush as "evil," a "criminal" but then added that he was "more dangerous than a monkey with a razor blade".
Great stuff.


  1. "more dangerous than a monkey with a razor blade"

    I'd wager Bush is more dangerous than a lot of animals with a razor blade, but what, exactly, was the point of that comment supposed to be?

    I think Chavez is a loon.

  2. That Mark is predictable, isn't he?

    Here we are about to enter WW3 thanks to George and there's Mark pretending that he doesn't know what's going on.

    Gee, Mark, you really should stop watching Fox News or you'll go completely blind!


  3. Mark - Apart from being a socialist and all that ideological guff, isn't it just great to hear a politician just say what he thinks and not have to wrap it up in flowery terms? Besides, i expect it is a Venzualean saying, much like as mad as a bag of frogs/badgers/spanners here.

  4. I thought it was "a face like a bag of spanners"?

  5. I think what is inside the bag/sack is interchangable.
