FOAB Information

Saturday 3 February 2007

Hate To Say We Told You So...But...

As an Environmentalist i have been banging on about Climate Change for as long as i can remember. Some people, as is their prerogative, chose to debate with me about rising sea levels and warmer temperatures. Others swallowed the line put out by the oil companies and others with an agenda, that man made climate change was a fallacy put out by us moon bats.
After hundreds of the Worlds scientists gave their starkest warning yet that unless we cut our greenhouse emissions we face devastation, even the most pigheaded climate change denier must of got the message through their skulls.
The report said that human activity was 90% responsible for the warming but the easiest thing would be for us smug faced tree huggers to sit back and say we told you so. Actually, a bit of sitting back and saying we told you so would be quite rewarding.
So....told you so didn't we.
Now go let down the tyres of that neighbours SUV as penance.


  1. If it gets too hot in the jungle, I'll get some baboons to fan me with palm leaves.

  2. I don't know how it is in other countries right now Lucy, but in Canada public conern about the environment is higher than ever. I'm actually somewhat hopeful.

  3. I seriously doubt peeps in the U.S. will stop driving their disgusting monster vehicles. They NEED them to drive little Justin and Jessica to dance and soccer practice.

  4. Stephen - There was a sudden seachange here. It was not so much Climate Change was denied, it was just shrugged off. I am not sure what suddenly got people concerned about it but I am glad they did.
    I agree Paula, and i see more and more of this great big vehicles on the roads.
    Bananas - If our summer is as humid as it was last year, i might have to ask the name of your baboon supplier.

  5. Now go let down the tyres of that neighbours SUV as penance.

    And have them be even less fuel efficient? I don't think the baboons would appreciate that.

  6. I've heard the argument from righties over and over that "we don't know that humans are causing it" and I've always said "so what?" What difference does it make if we caused it or not? It's there. We and the next generation have to deal with it regardless of who caused it.

    It's like having your house burn down, and saying "I'm not going to rebuild it because I'M not the one who burned it in the first place!"

  7. Ooh, I'm glad I checked this one again! Yes, I say that ("we don't know humans are causing it"), but I am not a rightie and am perfectly fine with trying to fix it. The only thing I don't like is signing onto a commitment to put the U.S. at an economic disadvantage so third world countries get to pollute while they "catch up."

    And we're all good with more nuclear power plants, right? ;)

  8. From a pollution standpoint, yes. Nuclear plants pollute a lot less. From a danger standpoint, we know how to keep them safe, it's just a matter of doing it. People point t5o Chernobyl a lot, but the tend to ignore the fact that \the Soviets cut a lot of corners safety-wise.

  9. You two can have the nuclear power station behind your houses and i will have a wind farm behind mine and lets see who glows the brightest when the lights go out.

  10. I've lived near nuclear plants before, and find that preferable to living near a coal-burning power station. Wind farms would be nice, but I'm hobbled by reality and have to choose between the options that are actually available.

  11. I must be hallucinating all those wind farms springing up around Europe then.

  12. Lucy, allow me to let you in on something....


    Wind farms aren't springing up all over America. If they are in Europe, I think that's cool. I don't have the power to make them spring up all over America, so I confine my choices to those actually available to me, and my opinions to what I am able to observe.

    My word verification is "joeqzgu". I didn't know they were being personalized now.

  13. i'm hobbled by reality and have to choose between the options that are actually available.

    I apologise, i misunderstood your comment and thought it was a generic "options actually available".

  14. Aww... you guys made up.

    GROUP HUG! hehe
