FOAB Information

Tuesday 20 February 2007

Loose Change Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy theories are usually confined to the edges where the loony tunes and anti-socialites live. Sometimes one such theory moves into the mainstream but it generally gets shot down in flames and creeps back to the fringes with its tail between its legs.
The latest, the theory that the Bush Government created and acted out the September 11th attack, is being driven by the documentary Loose Change.
As the buzz continues to grow over this film which sets out to put facts behind the theories, i sat with a group of like-minded friends to watch it.
Sixty minutes or so later any doubts i had were banished. This really is the work of dangerous morons with shoddy and ludicrous conclusions.
Anyone who actually takes at face value what they see in this film deserves to be ridiculed.
We have enough on Bush and his crowd without jumping on this far fetched conspiracy.
Bin Laden orchestrated the attacks and although you have the freedom to make up your own mind, we also have the freedom to call you a gullible fool if you are taken in by this.


  1. You may be right, but I still think Bush was behind the cancelling of "Futurama." Bastard.

  2. Conspiracy theories are all whacked. I wear turquoise jewelry to prevent them from infiltrating my brain.

  3. Years ago, by my watch. Unless it was moved to a weekday, then I'd never find it.

  4. little cheese -

    He DID orchestrate the killing of thousands of Americans.... in the military.

  5. I am continually astounded by the number of people who seem incapable of understanding and applying Occam's Razor to conspiracy theories.

    Seemingly intelligent people, too.

    Good on you for recognizing this for the drivel that it is, Lucy.

  6. Talking about gullible fools, the Americans did elect Bush twice didn't they?

    It's not fair that the rest of the world has to pay the price. Cheers!

  7. What happened to my last comment? Was I censored, or did Blogger screw up.

  8. I have never censored anybody joe, must of been blogger..again.

  9. Okay.... I might have said a naughty word, and thought that might be the reason. Sorry!

    So anyway, Daniel, speaking as someone who never voted for EITHER Bush... shaddup. Your PM is no prize either, unless it's at a dog show, lap category. ANd every single gullible Brit loves him, right?

  10. Our PM is more of a booby prize, a wooden spoon of a Prime Minister.

  11. Agree completely Lucy. These wackjobs are an embarassment to the progressive movement.
