FOAB Information

Wednesday 21 February 2007

Just A Moment Mr. Blair

Seems i may have to hand in my sandals because i am in danger of being thrown out of the lefty muesli eating brigade.
The big news here is the withdrawal of the British troops from Iraq, which to my like minded friends is great news, three cheers and vegetarian sausages for everyone. The thing is, it may be excellent news for the soldiers and their families but is it good news for the Iraqis?
In case anyone has forgotten, it was us who wrecked their country, killed 650,000 of their people and filled their country with real terrorists and not the ones in Tony Blair's/George Bush's minds.
Blair said that the British part of the country is safe to hand over to the Iraqis so its mission accomplished and let's all get off home. As we are ducking out, Baghdad goes to hell in a handcart and the USA are sending an extra 21,000 troops to try and sort it out.
Call me fickle, but don't we have a moral obligation to cease the mayhem we introduced in the whole country before we naff off home?
OK, i will hand in my tie dye t-shirt & beads at the door on the way out.


  1. Blair's just hoping to give Labour a chance in the next election.

  2. The sound of a nail being hit squarely on the head Joe, i agree.

  3. Ha ha, I was cleaning out my wardrobe the other day and kept my tie dye top for sentiments sake. I don't wear it any more but I keep it... what on earth does that mean? Discuss...

    As far as the troops go, well, I guess Tony wanted them to be pulled out long before now but seeing as there is loads about 'terrorists' and 'suicide bombers' in the news, he was worried that he would look reactionary. Sorry for being cynical, but he has chosen his time well...

  4. I understand the dye bit, but the tie?

  5. I have the same misgivings about a "naff off home." Our governments' ignorance and hubris created the bloody mess. The flipside is that it's getting more hopeless by the day, and leaving it to the morons who started it in the first place gives me a queasy feeling.
