FOAB Information

Wednesday 21 February 2007

Nothing To See Here

Would all the Canadians, Americans, Swedes & Australians, Israeli and the one South African who visit here please look away now.
That's it, nothing to see here. Not posting anything so you may as well move onto the Caption Competition. See ya.
Right, iMuslim, Little Cheese, you still there?
I have been looking about the blogosphere trying to make contact with some British blogs and i stumbled across some right wing extremist blogs, BNP and anti-everyone else and all that sort of thing. And there was lots of them. And they were all extreme.
I think if we keep it quiet and don't mention it we can keep a lid on this and the World will continue to think of us Brits as upstanding citizens of the World Community and not as a bunch of moronic idiots with knuckles that scrape the floor when we walk.
Your right Little Cheese, but there is nothing we can do about the Royal Family, just no mentioning the other ones who are a disgrace to us Brits.


  1. Lucy, it is worrying how many extremists are out there in our great land... there are fewer having a good old discussion about what is really going on without being too political.
    Maybe the more extreme among us are bored of people like us not listening so they use the blogosphere to vent their spleen? Don't worry about it, I think anyone worth their salt will click on and not tar us with the same brush!! x

  2. I'm 1/2 Mexican so i didn't look away, what blog are you talking about?

  3. Hopefully you are right Little Cheese, i knew there was an extreme element among us but some of the stuff on these blogs was just outrageous. I also think the anonymous and relativly safe nature of blogs makes it easier to be brave.

    I wouldn't like to say Sacremento, but there is a group of blogs somewhere on the blogosphere (is this a proper word? I still haven't found out) that are the UK equivalent of the KKK there, only with more swearwords.

  4. Did you get my e-mail, Lucy? With the URL of London-blog portal? There is also a Brit-blog portal, which you may have found from the previous one.

    I agree with Little Cheese... these guys only have the net to vent their anger on. Only problem then is, that when enough of these people get together, they may become more confident to act upon their hatred. In normal scoiety, these elements are quite sparse, so they feel isolated and powerless. Get them together in one place, and they may start to wonder how few & powerless they really are...

  5. I did get your email thank you iMuslim, and it was the brit-blog link that led me onto the sites that i wrote about here. There was a few decent ones there which i have bookmarked but lots of them were not updated recently or were not 'my cup of tea' as my gran just to say.
