FOAB Information

Saturday 3 March 2007

Caption Competition #4

For the latest Caption Competition, we have the Batman & Robin of the Socialist Revolution, Castro and Chavez.
My caption would read 'Even as he thanked the nurse who had just gave him his bed-bath, he couldn't help but think he recognised him from somewhere'.


  1. "How's your Halliburton stock doing?"

    "Fantastic! Thanks for the tip."

  2. "Your looking well, Fidel, my friend"

    **thought caption as he is speaking**

    "Now hurry up and die you stubborn old S.O.B. so I can take dictatorship to the next level"

    I love these caption contest's :)

  3. "For the last time, Fidel, stop trying to touch my testicles."

  4. "And then they poke the Pillsbury Dough-boy in the tummy like this, and he giggles - yes, just like that."

  5. Since no one else has been contributing and you have been rather silent on this one I will officially declare myself the winner on this one as well!

    Thank you, thank you! I know, who would have thought two in a row for little ole' TIO!
