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Sunday 4 March 2007

Less Kicking & More Hugging

Since time immemorial there have been stars that have flown so high only to come crashing down to earth with all the grace of Roseanne Barr at a free buffet.
If anybody can tell Britney Spears about the importance of bouncing back when you're down, it's Satan. Once the brightest of all angels, God soon slam dunked his sorry arse to hell and it was a shock he never really recovered from and since then - apart from a few guest-star roles in the Book of Revelations, South Park and heavy metal albums played backwards - there's been very little.
Poor Britney is so low she could fit beneath a snakes belly but it hasn't stopped the British press from playing that all to familiar game of sticking the boot into the soft underbelly of anyone with the temerity of being a fallen celebrity.
I was no fan of the blonde singer but i can't help feel that after her suicide attempts, the head shaving episode and the completely fruity loops behaviour lately, the girl could do with less of a kick and more of a hug.


  1. You're probably right. I've been thinking the same thing. She is, after all, a human being, who at this time, probably wishes she never became famous in the first place.

  2. I also agree. I think part of Britney's dilemma is that she moved so far away from all that she once encompassed both virtue and values wise. If anything it has literally tormented her spirit.

    Now as far as Satan goes... he still thinks he is the rising star and will eventually overthrow God's throne. Yeah, whatever! Don't feel too sorry for him.

  3. "all that she once encompassed both virtue and values wise."

    What she encompassed was what her parents and managers came up with to sell her records. Like I said at my own blog, seventeen year old virgins don't get breast implants, sex symbol wannabes do. Then, when she was old enough for men to lust after without being "pervs", they capitalized on that. I doubt that anyone - including Britney herself- knows who she really is.

    I hope she finds out - and that the lifeless people of the world find something else to obsess about - before something ereally tragic happens.
