FOAB Information

Wednesday 18 April 2007

Bryan Ferry & The Nazi's

Whenever I cast my minds eye in the direction of Bryan Ferry, i see him looking suave with a suit jacket slung casually over his shoulder. The man my mum actually called 'Phwaor' and my dad called 'ponce', may not of had a decent song since Lets Stick Together but he has hit the headlines with a subject more prickly than a Mohican hedgehog.
Just how long is a decent length of time before murderous regimes become acceptable? Ferry is being diced and chopped for saying that the Nazi's icons were aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Obviously 60 odd years is not long enough judging by the reaction but how long was it before the Vikings stopped being murderous savages who raped, pillaged and killed anything and everything and become cuddly blonde, bearded figures? Genghis Khan hacked and stabbed his way across Europe & Asia but is regarded as one of history's greatest warriors and the Pirates and Roman Army have had some great PR men working on their causes because they have a very romantic image these days.
Napoleon left Josephine at home most nights as he tried to conquer Europe by force 200 years before Hitler had a go at the same thing. So how long can we leave it before saying nice things about the Nazi regime, maybe the German fans wearing funny WW1 German helmet with a spike on the top at sports events in much the same way as the Scandinavians wear funny horned viking helmets.
Obviously not yet so put down the Swastika armband Bryan.


  1. An ex-girlfriend of mine has always suspected that she's the lovechild of Bryan Ferry... she reckons her mum got drunk one night and let slip an indiscreet comment about a night of passion spent with the Roxy Music love god at a music festival... a festival which she subsequently researched and discovered that it was exactly 9 months prior to her birth... Hmmmmmm, the plot thickens.

    Her mum shut up after she sobered up and started to deny all knowledge that she'd even met the man, but too late ~ the seed had been planted (so to speak!)

    Anyway, yeah... she could be a bit of a Nazi too at times, so I guess that figures.

  2. "Napoleon left Josephine at home most nights as he tried to conquer Europe by force 200 years before Hitler had a go at the same thing."

    100 years, actually.

  3. I suppose it all depends on how long victims of a particular regime have been dead until we can have an unemotional debate about it.

    That being said, mentioning aesthetics of a regime is hardly saying 'Heil Hitler!' Much as I detest the man, and his son, I don't think he should be crucified for that reason.

    In fact, one of my heroes (Bowie) took an aestheic influence of Nazism during the '70s, but nobody would dare slag him off, they would have me to deal with!!

  4. Either Tchaikovsky got the date wrong on his 1812 Overture Joe or your history book needs replacing. By my reckoning that's almost 200 years ago, or 195 to be exact for those who don't like rounding up.

  5. Joe - you got caught, mate. 100 years ago was just about the outbreak of WWI.

    Ook ook

  6. I hope never, I definitely draw a line between the modern day holocaust, and marauding barbarians in bad helmets, and worse hair.

  7. Here is the quote from YOU Lucy:

    ""Napoleon left Josephine at home most nights as he tried to conquer Europe by force 200 years before Hitler had a go at the same thing."

    Now Napoleon's wars were in the early 19th century, correct? 1812 Overture and such? Hitler was active in the first half of the 20th century. Or is he BACK? Because you started out saying that there was a 200 year difference between Napoleon and Hitler, now you're talking about the 195 year difference between Napoleon and NOW.

    So, is Hitler back NOW?? If so, I am, as you say, horribly misinformed.

    However, if linear time has kept Hitler trapped withing the confines of the first half of the 20th century, which I suspect is true, then the difference between him and Napoleon is far closer to 100 years.

    Perhaps you should have consulted one of those proofreaders you were haranguing elsewhere. And perhaps you should make sure you comprehend what you yourself have written before knocking anyone's knowledge of history.

    You, too, Fez. Ook ook right back at ya.

  8. I stand corrected, it was indeed about 100 years (ish) between Napoleon and Hitler. I rewrote the sentence and somehow the 'ago' got dropped. It was meant to say
    'Napoleon left Josephine at home most nights as he tried to conquer Europe by force 200 years ago before Hitler had a go at the same thing.'
    I would never harangue a proofreader, if it wasn't for them most journos would be out on their ear.

  9. Well, alrighty then! Now, Fez, what's YOUR excuse? :-)

  10. Excuse? Come on, Joe ... don't you know by now that nobody every admits a mistake on the internets, and everything degenerates into name-calling, masculinity-questioning and (ultimately) charges of anti-semitism and posting pictures of one's self pointing a rifle at a camera?

    You n00bs ... honestly!

    Ook ook.

    PS: In light of what happened monday, how sick does the picture to which I referred seem now?

  11. Most extremely so, Fez. I had a thought of photoshopping two photos together, but I did promise to leave him alone.

  12. You guys are talking about Travis Binkle, right? :-)

  13. This was interesting because truth to tell, he's right, the Nazi icons are nicely done. Hitler was an artist and when he reinvented the swastika for his evil little circle jerk, he did a good job with the new angle, the colors, the proportions. I've always felt suppressed in my freedom to say so but now, thanks to whoever this Bryan fella is, I am free! free! to proclaim it to the world. Now let's admire the swastika for what it really means and forget all that bush league nazi b.s., what a gang of wankers anyway. German sheep, whadaya want.
