FOAB Information

Thursday 19 April 2007

Mum, Can I Have A Rapist Doll?

When i was a young girl the Star Wars figures were big business, as i recall i had a Princess Leah and a Chewbacca.
Cindy & Barbie dolls have often got a bit of a kicking for portraying an unattainable female image to young kids so heaven knows what was going through the minds of the executives sat in the merchandising meeting for the new Tarantino film 'Grindhouse'.
Some bright spark, possibly high or just ridiculously insensitive, pitched the idea for action figures from the film so now we can hear the screeching tones of kids demanding 'Rapist Number One' emanating from the aisles of Toys R Us.
So who is this toy aimed at considering the film is sure to be an 18? If you have a child that actually sees this flick and recognizes the figure than perhaps your parenting should be questioned.
If you are over 18 and yet want an action figure doll then you really should get out more.


  1. Ah, Lucy, you have changed platforms! Fantastic, your old one used to make my eyes hurt!

    WTF, kiddies toys from an adult film?


    I know kids who have watched gladiator, but to be fair that looks as beyond reality as Tom and Jerry, but rape? Odd.

  2. Is this for real? I know nothing about the movie, or any associated action figures.

  3. I always thought watching a Tarentino movie was the adult equivalent of playing with dolls.

  4. A great deal of the plastic figurine market is over 18 - they're poorly-socialised pasty anoraks, on the whole.

    Selling something like this at 'Toys R Us' sounds very strange and stupid and totally inappropriate. Normally you see stuff like this at shops like 'Forbidden Planet'. I won't be buying one though.

    Is this the wrong time to admit that I'm looking forward to seeing the movie though? :-D

  5. Welcome back Benedict. I apologise for your achy eyes. This medium has it faults but i am getting used to it.
    Afraid to say it is true stephen, it was on Sky News but i have to admit, the doll does actually look like Tarantino.
    See you at the Cinema Cheesy, i like his films also.

  6. Sez here the news is false. Hope so.
