FOAB Information

Thursday 19 April 2007

Such A Classy Broad

I have never been much of a fan of Ozzy Osbournes other half, she has always struck me as a stroppy cow and was never taken in by all that cutesy bumff stuff she does in that irritating voice. Thus i feel vindicated in thinking what a horrible piece of work she is after her attack on Josh Homme of Queens Of The Stone age.
After stating that his band will not be playing Ozzfest, the queen of cosmetic surgery calmly retorted,"I hope he gets syphilis and dies. I hope his dick fuckin' falls off so his mother can eat it" Classy lady we are dealing with here as she proved in the interview where she admitted sending her own excrement to people she felt had criticised her.
Her bowels must of been working overtime after her brief stint as a chat show host which sank like a Russian submarine as everyone and their dog panned her inability to perform the basic tasks such as reading cue cards and conducting interviews.In 1989 Ozzy was arrested for attempted murder after trying to strangle his wife so i would hate to think what she sent him after that, with a classy lady like her it's probably best not to think too hard about it.


  1. and was never taken in by all that cutesy bumff stuff she does in that irritating voice.


  2. I'm not surprised that QOTSA don't want to play this year's Ozzfest... They must have heard what Sharon did to Iron Maiden at the last Ozzfest... (she got people to pelt them with eggs and then turned the power off).

  3. lol, lucy! I'm with you on this one. But perhaps you added too many letters to class? more like ass to me!
    ps. Im posting at Psi Simulacra now sweety, just so you know!

    Zoe XXX

  4. What you call me Fez? Wait till i get my hands on an envelope. Remember to check your mail.

  5. I saw Ozzie in concert last year. A big huge concert that left me wondering exactly what I had expected to get for the huge amount of money it cost me to get there. The experience of wondering that, I guess. Did see Iron Maiden. Kind of a laugh. Apparently his trouble and strife wasn't in the audience that day.
