FOAB Information

Saturday 26 May 2007

Another Nail In Blair's Legacy

The anti-war lobby has been given a huge shot in the arm by the British judicial system with the decision to clear two protesters who were acting to stop war crimes.
The two men were charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage in their attempt to sabotage US B-52s and so prevent them from taking off at the launch of the Iraq War.
The verdict unanimously acquitted both two men, accepting their defence that they were acting to prevent the US air force planes from committing war crimes.
The result is another nudge towards acceptance that war crimes were committed by Britain and America in Iraq and all the implications that brings with regards to the International Criminal Court.
The main beneficiary will be future protesters who now have another precedent. Last year, five Irish peace campaigners were found not guilty after damaging an American transport jet at Shannon airport.
No statement from Downing Street but Blair's retirement not be as comfortable as he thought after this decision by the British Court.


  1. So all one has to really do is state that they feel/believe a Nation has violated international law and their off the hook for committing criminal acts themselves?

    Wow, didn't realize it was that easy.

    I suppose I can anticipate that these courageous freedom fighters for truth and justice will next be sabatoging the likes of Hamas, Al-Qaeda, the PLO, North Korea. and even Iran eventually.

    Pretty sad when certain radical fundementalist terrorists can literally violate every directive in the Geneva convention (and then try to lean on it when they are getting their ass's handed to them) that constitute aggressive/illegal acts of war but they always somehow get "overlooked" by these superhero's.

    When these yahoo's sabotage the Islamic radicals and get away with it, then I'll be impressed.

  2. Maybe they weren't trying to impress you.

  3. Point taken Joe. After all, they are to busy sabotaging their own country men impressing only themselves.

  4. "Pretty sad when certain radical fundementalist terrorists can literally violate every directive in the Geneva convention (and then try to lean on it when they are getting their ass's handed to them) that constitute aggressive/illegal acts of war but they always somehow get "overlooked" by these superhero's."

    Good point. Also, as you imply, when these dumbasses have the balls to try and sneak into a terrorist training camp and sabotage shit, maybe then one can believe they are acting out of a sense of fighting real or perceived injustices. As it is, don't we all know that they knew the penalty for doing what they attempted wasn't going to be having their head handed to them on a plate, LITERALLY?

  5. "Pretty sad when certain radical fundementalist terrorists can literally violate every directive in the Geneva convention"

    You can only violate the Geneva Convention if you've actually signed it. Which only nation states have done.
