FOAB Information

Saturday 26 May 2007

Big Brother In Yet Another Scandal

When Big Brother started i was a huge fan, mainly because of the psychological side of it but after events in Australia it pains me to say that i think the plug should be pulled on the whole programme.
Producers of Australia's Big Brother refused to tell a female contestant that her father has died of cancer while she is on the show. He has now been buried without his daughter attending the funeral, still oblivious to her fathers death.
The programme has earlier given out a task where the contestants were handed life-like baby dolls to care for despite being fully aware that one of the females in the group had recently suffered a still birth age, reducing her to tears.
With the racism row on UK's BB still reverberating around, the programme has moved out of the realms of experiment and into a sordid exercise in humiliation and degradation.
There will always be people willing to suffer such humiliation for their 15 mins of fame and a shot at a career in television but to me this show has outstayed its welcome.


  1. Wow... that's really twisted. I mean, even if the producers lack any moral scruples, aren't they afraid of lawsuits?

    I was hooked on BB in the first and second years. It coincided with my UG and MSc finals, which just added to the excitement. But then it just became so... blah. I haven't missed it at all, though it is hard to avoid as it's plastered all over the papers, and everyone raves on about it at work.

  2. I have become more and more delusioned with it as it has gone on but this a is a step too far. I really feel for the poor woman.

  3. That is, in a word, FUCKED.

  4. Not telling her about her father's death is a new low. I hope her lawyer has a field day.

  5. "[T]he programme has moved out of the realms of experiment and into a sordid exercise in humiliation and degradation."

    Hasn't it always been like this?


    When is a scandal not a scandal?

